
Jamie does…

Written by (Jamie Oliver)

Jamie does...

Jamie Oliver's travels through a clutch of countries have inspired this cookbook, which is brimming with foreign fare to get stuck into. Dishes feature from Spain, Italy, Sweden, Morocco, Greece and France, offering up a real cultural mix of recipes.

We tried out Jamie's 'Best Chorizo & Tomato Salad in the World' and his 'Pickled Herrings'. Both dishes look eye-catchingly pretty and they delivered Oliver's typically punchy thwack of flavours. The wonderful thing about this book is its versatility. The culinary inspiration Oliver imparts can elevate even the simplest of snacks into something irresistible and delicious. Take his recipe for Swedish Skagen (otherwise known as prawns on toast). You could stuff this satisfyingly into your mouth, on your own with no-one around to have to share it with. Or you could serve this recipe up as a stylish open sandwich starter, or a luxury supper which looks effortlessly chic, and tastes wonderfully fresh.

Oliver's laid-back style comes across as ever in this culinary book of his travels, and he's keen to emphasise the importance of hopping across the pond for those occasional, refreshing takes on life. On the inside sleeve, he writes:

*"So, if you've been talking about going somewhere in particular but haven't got round to booking your ticket,  I urge you to go for it! You'll come back feeling optimistic about life, with a head full of beautiful memories - not to mention ideas for incredible dishes."*

Watch out when you open this book - you might end up buying a plane ticket, as well as turning out some tasty new meals.

**Reviewed by:** Helenka Bednar