
The Perfect Marriage

The Perfect Marriage

If you thought sherry was just for grannies and Christmas, this book will make you think again. Heston Blumenthal heads up The Perfect Marriage with a passionate love of all things sherry, and guides the reader through its versatile forms.

If you’ve only ever dabbled with the likes of Harvey’s Bristol Cream, this book takes you through the many different sherries available. From the drier end of the scale, finos and manzanillas are paired with food suggestions to bring out their zesty crispness. At the other end of the spectrum, the raisin flavour and caramel sweetness of a Pedro Ximinez is lovingly matched with dessert dishes.

Aside from the explanation of the sherry process, tasting and serving suggestions and matching tips, the book is also full of recipes from sherry-loving chefs such as Angela Hartnett, Skye Gyngell and Marcus Wareing. A great reference book with plenty of tasting suggestions to get your mouth around.

Priced at £12.99, available from Amazon.