Sunraysia Pure Squeezed Organic Carrot Juice
Sunraysia painstakingly auditioned 15 different types of carrot before settling on an organic variety that ticked all the boxes for their carrot juice. The carrots didn’t have to sing or dance – they just had to taste great, and the results are available to the drinking public in the form of Sunraysia’s Pure Squeezed Organic Carrot Juice. So how did iLoveMyGrub rate it? Well, you’d think carrot juice was plain and simple – maybe a one-taste-wonder. But Sunraysia’s organic stuff has plenty of sweetness to begin with, finished off with a tart edge that gets your taste buds dancing as if they were, well, in an audition… There are no artificial flavourings or colourings in these bottles of carrot juice, and no GM antics have been going on either. The people at Sunraysia purport that this carrot juice also aids good digestion through its acid neutralizing effect, so it wins on the health as well as the taste front. Available from Waitrose at £2.99 for a 750ml bottle (RRP).